Plushify >Userguide>Adding Markings to your Plushie

Plushify Userguide

Adding Markings to your Plushie

Previous chapter: Setting Colors for your Plushie

The way to add applique or embroidered detailes to the plushie is called markings. This is especially useful for eyes. To add markings to the plushie, click on the "Markings" section on the left of the plushie page.

Uploading Markings

To add a marking, click on the "Upload new Marking" button. This opens a file browser where you can select a .png image file. Please note that other image file formats are not supported, only .png. This is because the markings are placed on the plushie and should therefore contain a transparent background, something that can be easily achieved with .pngs.

After selecting a suitable .png image file from the file browser, the marking will appear in the list of available markings.

Please note that despite the button saying "Upload", Plushify saves all your data, including the markings, on your computer. Nothing is uploaded to the Internet. That means if you use another computer, your plushies are not automatically synced. Plushies could also be deleted if you clear your browser cookies. That's why it is important that you regularly save your plushie by clicking the "Save" button in the top right corner of the screen.

Adding Markings to the model

To place the marking on the plushie, first click on the "Add To Model" button. Then, click on the 3D preview of the plushie where you want to place the marking. You can use your mouse to rotate the model (click and drag), zoom in and out (mouse wheel), and move the model around (drag with middle mouse button).

After clicking on the model, the marking will appear where you clicked. It might not be the right size or rotation, but that can be easily be fixed (see below).

An identical and symmetrical copy of the marking will be placed on all pieces that share the same pattern. This allows for symmetrical placement of eyes and other markings. All changes to the marking in terms of position, size and rotation also affect the mirrored copies.

If you remove a marking from the list by clicking the "Remove" button, it will also remove all instances of this marking from the plushie model.

Positioning the markings

After adding a marking to the plushie, you can click on the marking on the 3D model to adjust its size and rotation. When clicking on the marking, gray resize and rotate handles will appear along its border. Click and drag these handles to resize and rotate the marking. You can also click and drag the marking itself to adjust its position.

If the marking is facing the wrong way, you can mirror it by double clicking on the marking in the 3D view.

Finally, you can remove a marking from the 3D model by pressing the "delete" key on your keyboard while the marking is selected.

Please note that a marking cannot overlap multiple pattern pieces. If you want to have a marking that overlaps two or more pattern pieces, you need to place the marking on each pattern piece individually and arrange them so they appear overlapping.

Now that the plushie has its colors and markings, it's time to think about how big it should be.

Next chapter: Setting the Plushie size